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TOM - I'm reading in Mosiah about Limhi and his people in bondage to the Lamanites. Ammon comes and Limhi is happy because that means that Zarahemla isn't destroyed. Limhi's people found a "land of bones." Is this "land of bones" the Jaradite people? If so, the Jaradites destroyed themselves, right? Now the Jaradites came before before Lehi, before Jerusalem was destroyed the second time. Did the Jaradites come before Jerusalem was destroyed the first time? The 12 tribes were scattered and 10 went one way and two stayed in the Jerusalem area. I wondered if they came from there. I need to be smarter about such things.
JOEL - At around the time of the Biblical prophet Jerimiah(600 BC), Lehi was warned by God to take his family and flee Jerusalem before it was destroyed the first time by Babylon (1 Ne. 1, 2 Kings 25: 8-10). It was destroyed a second time by the Romans under Titus in AD 70.
The Jaredites were decendants of Noah, possibly from the family of Shem, and were probably involved in the building of the tower of Babel around 2200 BC. It was at this time that the Jaredites fled this land(Ether 1:33) and made their journey across the water (Ether 6) . So this was long before the first time Jerusalm was destroyed and the tribes scattered.
The land littered by bones was indeed what was left by the Jaredites who had almost completely destroyed themselves (Ether 14:21, Omni 1:22).
TOM - I'm confused about Ramses...the Pharaoh that came after Seti during the bondage of the Israelites in Exodus. The scriptures only use the name Ramses as the name of a city. I cant find the name Ramses ever referring to the Pharaoh except in the BD under "Pharaoh". Are we assuming that this was him? Did he really have a brother to brother relationship with Moses like the Movies portray? Why was he not killed the night of the passover? Wasn't he a first born in order to become a King of Egypt?
JOEL - Everyone assumes it was Ramses II because the time period was about right but it might have been Merneptahit. It is interesting that
available secular history does not record the miraculous exodus of a large number of Hebrew slaves defying and leaving their Egyptian
masters during the reign of Ramses II.
The Bible tells us that after Pharaoh’s daughter found the baby moses she gave him back to his mother to nurse him.
"And the child grew, and she brought him unto Pharaoh’s daughter, and he became her son." (Ex. 2:10)
We have no idea how old Moses was when "he became her son" and nothing more is said of him until he is a grown man. Nothing in the scriptures hints
that he had a brother to brother relationship with the future Pharaoh or anyone. Stories that people have made about Moses have relied
heavily on assumptions, legends, and some pure fiction to make a story or movie out of it.
About the final act of the death of the firstborn the scriptures say:
"And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the
firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill; and all the firstborn of beasts." (Ex 11:5)
It sounds to me like the only first born that this had effect on were those who still had living parents, who would suffer emotionally
from the experience of seeing their child die.