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ROBERTO - When are you going to change the name of your website to Latter-day-SaintHaven already, what's the hold up, and what all can you tell me about when church members started accepting the nickname mormon?

JOEL - Changing the name of a website that has been around for over 25 years is not an easy thing to do. Most Church related websites have also not changed their names for this reason.
I thought of using the term "Saints Haven" but that name was already taken. I also thought of your suggestion but it is kind of long. I may use that one if nothing else works better.
I also thought of the name being "The website formally known as Mormon Haven" but that is also too long. 🙂
The Church has said, "Mormon" is correctly used in proper names such as the Book of Mormon or when used as an adjective in such historical expressions as "Mormon Trail." I consider MormonHaven to be historical since it has been around for so long.🙄 My opinion.
I get a lot of traffic from non-members who still only know us as Mormons and so that is why I am holding on to the name for now. Where possible I removed all references to the terms Mormon and LDS throughout the website.

In regards to the word "Mormon" I will refer you to a rather comprehensive (meaning it's long) article that discusses the history of the word. Please follow the website address below

The Original Intention Behind the Term Mormon

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