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KANE - All these years of your working to determine answers to gospel questions, have you ever concluded what UFO's are all about? Like who they are? What is their purpose? What is their relationship with Father in Heaven and the Savior? Are they really dangerous to earthlings like us?
JOEL - Thousands of people have claimed to have seen UFO's; me included. But I don't believe they have come from a planet outside our earth; they are just unidentified.
They are natural or man-made objects that originate from this earth or from the imaginations of those that are good at manufacturing them on a computer.
The nearest solar systems that could possibly contain inhabited planets are so far away, that it would require technology that accommodates traveling at speeds faster than light in order to reach our own solar system, which is not possible as far as we know right now. The nearest star from our sun is only 4.2 light years away, but using current technology, it would take about 6,300 years to reach it.
We do know of course that there are other planets out there that God created and populated:
"Worlds without number have I created; and I also created them for mine own purpose,…there are many (worlds) that now stand, and innumerable are they unto man"
(<Moses 1:33, 35).
Jesus Christ is the creator of all these worlds (D&C 76:24; 93:9-10). Those people would have the same relationship to God as He does with us.
They are out there but in my opinion we have not and most likely will not ever meet them. I would love to be proven wrong, but so far that has not happened.
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