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JOHN - Having had many discussions with my home teacher, he has expressed a concern that his wife feels guilty because one of their sons is not active in the Church. The son, even though he has been on a mission, is antagonistic about the church.
I remember Pres. Hinkley tell parents to not worry about there lost/wayward children. He said something to the effect that when the Lord is ready they will return. I can't seem to find and references to the statements I thought I heard. Can you help?
JOEL - I remember that talk as well. Sometimes when we listen to a talk we have our own bits of revelation sneak into it and what we thought we heard the speaker say was really what the Holy Ghost was revealing to us as we listened.
In addressing the Saints in Great Britain, President Hinckley said:
"May you be blessed, each of you. May there be love and peace and gladness in your homes. I leave my blessing upon you. May there be food on your table, clothing on your backs, shelter over your heads and a sense of security and peace and love among your children, precious children every one of them, even those who may have strayed. I hope you don't lose patience with them; I hope you go on praying for them, and I don't hesitate to promise that if you do so, the Lord will touch their hearts and bring them back to you with love and respect and appreciation."
(Gordon B. Hinckley, fireside address in Crawley, England, as quoted in Church News, 2 September 1995, 4;)
Here are some other references that might be helpful:
The Environment of Our Homes By President Gordon B. Hinckley - June 1985 Ensign
"To any within the sound of my voice who may have such sons or daughters, may I suggest that you never quit trying. They are never lost until you have given up. Remember that it is love, more than any other thing, that will bring them back. Punishment is not likely to do it. Reprimands without love will not accomplish it. Patience, expressions of appreciation, and that strange and remarkable power which comes with prayer will eventually win through."
Behold Your Little Ones By President Gordon B. Hinckley - Ensign June 2001
Dear Are the Sheep That Have Wandered James E. Faust - Ensign April 2003
When Our Children Go Astray By Elder John K. Carmack - Ensign Feb 1997
Ocean Currents and Family Influences President Spencer W. Kimball - Ensign Nov. 1974