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JAMIE - As we know earth rotates its own axis producing 24 hour day.
D&C 124:128 talks about taking the gospel to the four corners of the earth, do you think this is literal or symbolism.
What is your opinion is earth round or flat ?

JOEL - It is symbolic. There are other scriptures in the Bible that also mention the four corners of the earth (Isaiah 11:12, Revelation 7:1) but they are all referring to the four directions of a compass; North, East, West, and South; not four corners of a square. Flat earth people think the earth is a flat round disk so there would be no corners.

Isaiah makes it clear that the earth is a sphere:

Isaiah 40: 22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers

We have known for sure the earth is round for over 2500 years. I am a scientist and agree with all the other scientists of many countries about the evidence that exists for a round earth.
It's hard to believe that the entire scientific community of the world (including astronauts who have seen the earth from space) would all be in on a conspiracy to hide the existence a flat earth reality.

One easy bit of evidence is to look at the flight paths of airplanes that are flying between far distant points on the earth. They don't fly in a straight line from one point to the other as we see it on a flat map, but in what is called a great circle route. If you fly in a straight line from Moscow to New York on a flat earth, like on a flat map, it is 5536 miles. But if you fly the great circle route as seen on a globe, it is only 4660 miles, which saves on fuel and time (See the picture below). This works because of the reality of a round earth.

Flight map

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