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DIANE - If Mormons claim to be Christian why do they praise Joseph Smith in the song "Praise to the Man"? I am a Christian and I only worship and praise Jesus of the Bible.

JOEL - The song "Praise to the Man" was originally a poem written by William Phelps as a eulogy at the funeral of Joseph Smith. Phelps was a very close friend of Joseph and greatly admired him, as evident by the things he said in the poem.
It was later put to music and included in our song books.

While we greatly admire Joseph Smith we do not worship him, but we do praise him for his part in the resoration of God's church on earth.I give praise to a lot of people; especially my wife and kids and friends for the good things they do.  There are a lot of references to praising God in the Bible that imply worship, but there are different deffinitions of the word. 

Praise :
"The act of expressing approval or admiration; commendation; laudation.
Synonyms: compliment, approbation, applause, plaudit, acclamation
The state of being approved or admired:"

This definition of "praise" represents how we feel about the prophet and what the word "praise" means in the song.
Joseph Smith is not God. We only worship God the Father and Jesus Christ.

John 12: 43 "For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God."
This implies that it is possible for God to praise man when we obey his word. God would not worship man.

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