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CHAD - I grew up under the impression from my
parents that LDS kids/people do not wear Halloween
masks. Is this part of church policy? Should we avoid
wearing masks for trick-or-treating through a
neighborhood? Are masks off limits entirely? If so,
are there any written references to this idea?
JOEL - This is what you might call one of those unwritten
policies, that members(or anyone else) might want to
follow for a few good reasons.
1. There is a safety issue in that masks can often
impair ones vision, which can lead to accidents.
2. When there is a group of people together, including
both kids and adults, it's best to know and be able to
identify who everyone is so there is no problem with
3. And some masks can be pretty gruesome depicting
satanic or violent characters, which is not really in
keeping with the idea that we are supposed to be
children of God and want avoid even the very
appearance of evil. (1 Thes. 5: 22).