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ANNVER - How strict is the Church stand on Ward and Stake Boundaries? what is its true purpose and doctrine behind it? what i have heard and understand is that when a member living outside a particular ward/ stake boundary wants to serve in calling they cannot, they cannot have temple recommend renewed, they cannot receive fast offering assistance etc, tey can attend the whatever ward but thats the downside. how true is this? if this is direction from first presidency then how strictly upheld is this throughout the church? if a particular family lives right beside the chapel but belongs within a different ward boundary which causes them to travel an extra 15-20mins to get to chapel how functional is that?
JOEL - No doctrine to speak of except that God has told us that His house is a house of order:
"Behold, mine house is a house of order, saith the Lord God, and not a house of confusion." (D&C 132:8)
There are rare circumstances where a member can get permission to attend a ward outside his geographical ward he is supposed to be in. But it is usually meant to be a temporary situation until they can attend their assigned ward.
Sometimes members can move their records to different units but their home addresses stay the same. Examples include:
Young single adults who live at home but move their records from the conventional ward to the local young single adult ward.
Members who have been attending an English-speaking ward move their records to a Spanish-speaking branch.
There may be a few other unusual circumstances that would require First Presidency approval.
Members can't move their records simply because of distance or because they don't happen to like a ward or some ward members. Can you imagine how lopsided in numbers some wards within a stake might get to if that were allowed?
They can certainly attend a different ward but they would have to pay tithing, get temple recommends, etc. from their assigned ward.
It is far easier to meet the needs of a member if he/she attends a set congregation within a specific geographical boundry. If you have ever been in a bishopric or a clerk or had to manage hometeaching assignments you would understand how important this is.