TOM - I get so bored reading the Book of Mormon. I've only read it a dozen times, but I feel like it's all the same. how can I spice up my reading to make it more interesting and appealing?

JOEL - You could try reading it while skydiving from an airplane from 5000 feet up. Or you could invite the entire Mormon Tabernacle Choir to gather around you and sing "From Cummorah's Hill" as you read. Or you could try skipping those chapters in Nephi that have those boring prophesies of Isaiah. Your'e right. Sometimes it is boring. But that's one of the things that helps convince me it is true. If someone were making it up from their own imagination they would have spiced it up for you.
OK, here are some serious suggestions that might help:
1. Imagine yourself as a disciple of Christ and remember you are reading because that’s what He wants you to do.
2. Pray before you read. Ask the Lord to help you learn something.
3. Place yourself in the story and think about how you would feel or how you would handle the situation. Try to imagine what the people look like. Try to think about what George Lucas would do if he made a movie out of it. Which actors would he get to play the parts?
4. Ask yourself questions while reading. Who is talking? Who are they talking to? Why are they saying this? How does this apply to me?
5. After you read a few scriptures, try to explain to someone else what you just read; either an imaginary person or to a member of your family or a friend. Explain it to an adult, then try to explain it to a kid.
6. Read the scriptures out loud to someone else or have someone read out loud to you.
7. You don't have to read straight through the scriptures. Pick a particular subject or person and find scriptures that concentrate on that.

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