JOEL - Religion is something we use here on earth to help us get closer to God. The LDS believe that the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is the best way to get us as close to God as possible. Once we get to heaven there will be no more need for religious organizations. What will be important when we die and stand before the judgment bar of God, is who we are and how faithful to Christ we were while on the earth.
God said "man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." (1 Sam. 16:7, Ps 40:8, Matt 5:8, 1 Jn 3:21). God also said that we will be judged according to our works(1:Pet 1:17, Rev. 20:12-13), and that we should love God and all mankind(Matt. 22:36-39, Luke 6:27).
Regardless of whether my church is true or not, I am willing to accept whatever God's judgment will be on me, based on what He knows is in my heart; the love I have and show for Him and His children; and according to my faithfulness and to what I have done during my life and who I have become. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I have confessed my sins to God; I have been born again; and I feel the true joy and peace that the gospel of Jesus Christ provides. If after all this His judgment still sends me to, what the rest of the Christian world calls Hell, at least I will be there with my friends and family. If He loves me as much as I think He does, and regardless of my religion, lets me stay in what the rest of the Christian world calls Heaven, I will be glad to make the adjustment in my beliefs.