RICHARD - Since D&C 107:81-84 gives instructions for holding a special trial over the President of the church (or one of his counselors), and it says this trial will "end the controversy" over him-- then is it not truly possible that the President of the church is not above leading the church astray?
Why would there be such a law if the Lord guaranteed the church President could not seriously error and need to be removed from office?
JST Mark 9:40-48 further shows that men in the Priesthood are not to automatically trust ANY other man, but must stand or fall for themselves if necessary against all others. This scripture makes it clear that if the eye of the body (the President of the church) transgresses, it is the responsibility of the members, and NOT the responsibility of the Lord, to remove him.
Thus do not members have the God-given right to NOT sustain the President of the church if they are convinced they should do this, and ask for a trial to settle serious controversies over him?
Should members be cast out of the church if they do not reject evidences that support such a trial?
Would it not have been best if there had been a trial over President Brigham Young to settle the controversy over his Adam-God teachings?
Since there is no evidence that a President of the church has had the gift to receive and write the Word of the Lord in D&C type oracles, then is it not possible that the Lord might give this gift to another in the Priesthood?
Do the revelations in the Second Book of Commandments truly contradict the D&C revelations, or do they just contradict interpretations of them? (

JOEL - I agree with some of the things you said. But here are some things I disagree with:

We believe and have faith that the Prophet would not lead the church astray. The reason for including the procedure for removing a prophet only reflects God's position of being no respector of person. He judges all mortals equally and places the same rules over each one no mater what their position.
Brigham Young never demanded that the members accept his Adam-God teachings. It was never considered as scripture or official church doctrine. It never posed as a threat to the salvation of the church members if they also believed it or did not believe it. Therefore no reason to hold a trial about it.
Most of the basic doctrine of the church was revealed to Joseph Smith who wrote it in the D&C oracles. There hasn't been much more basic church doctrine that God has needed to give us since then. Other Church presidents and apostles have written a few others as God deemed it necessary(D&C 136; D&C 138; Proclamation on the Family; Revelation on the Priesthood).
In my opinion every Church President and Apostle since Joseph Smith have demonstrated their ability and gift to "receive and write the will of the Lord" every time they speak in General Conference twice per year. So I see no problem here.
The problem with those who have published the so-called Second Book of Commandments is that they do not trust in latter-day revelation from our current prophets.
The teachings and councel from our current prophet will always take precedence over what past prophets have said, and even in some cases what is written in the scriptures. Our changing world requires us to have a latter-day prophet to help us know what we need to do today; and it might be different than what God wanted the saints to do 150 years ago. I agree with President Ezra Taft Benson who said:

The prophet is the only man who speaks for the Lord in everything.
The living prophet is more vital to us than the Standard Works.
The living prophet is more important to us than a dead prophet.
The prophet does not have to say "Thus saith the Lord" to give us scripture.
The prophet tells us what we need to know, not always what we want to know.
(Ezra Taft Benson, "Fourteen Fundamentals in Following the Prophet", Tambuli, June 1981, 1)

This is the way it has to be. Members do "have the God-given right to NOT sustain the President of the church". But how can we know for sure that a few disenchanted members are going to be right about what God wants as opposed to what our prophets say? If the majority of the church membership("common council of the church") believes that the prophet is starting to lead us astray, we have to have faith in the system of the First Presidency and 12 Apostles who will, along with the church members, detect it and prevent it from happening(D&C 107:82). But a few disgruntled members do not make up "the common council of the church".

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