Malcolm S. Jeppsen

A Divine Prescription For Spiritual Healing
April 1994

Our eight-year-old granddaughter was busy at work recently making cookies. She was following a recipe given to her by her mother but was stymied by one ingredient that was to be added to the recipe. It called for two teaspoons of soda. She asked her parents: "Does it matter if it's root beer or 7-Up soda?" When the cookies were baked, they tasted awful. Her mother concluded that the recipe had failed because her daughter had misinterpreted a half teaspoon of salt to be a half cup of salt.
If the ingredients in the recipe for cookies are important, how much more important are the ingredients in the prescription for spiritual healing? And how much more important is it that we not misinterpret those instructions, as was done with the cookies? A divine prescription for this healing has been given by our Heavenly Father which has eternally significant implications. I restate the ingredients of this prescription as the Lord has given them to His servants and to us as His children.

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