JACOB - Do Mormon's believe in Salvation by virtue of Jesus being born to the virgin Mary, dying on the cross to save us from our sins, and returning again to take Christian believers to heaven?

JOEL - The doctrine of salvation is a very big subject. The short answer to your question is, Yes. Here's a longer but still short answer with more specifics.
We believe that salvation is obtained only through Jesus Christ and what He did before, during, and after His life on this earth.
Before the earth was formed Jesus agreed to come to earth and take on a human body and atone for the sins of all mankind, making it possible for us to obtain eternal life with God. He was born to the virgin Mary, taught His gospel of salvation, and later paid for our sins by suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane, the spiritual pain of which caused Him to sweat great drops of blood.(Luke 22: 44) and require the assistance of angels to sustain Him(Luke 22: 43). Both His suffering in Gethsemane and death on the cross were necessary for the atonement to be complete, but the actual suffering for our sins was mainly experienced in the Garden. That was where the real price was paid for our sins because it was spiritual, voluntary, and directly related to payment for our sins according to eternal laws. Justice requires someone to pay and suffer for our sins(including Adam's original transgression). Christ fullfilled this requirement for us.
We can make the atonement work for us by repenting of our sins, being baptized (Acts 2: 38), and obeying the commandments of God (Luke 11: 28).
Another requirement for our salvation was satisfied when Jesus rose on the third day after His death, restoring His spirit to His body (Luke 24: 39), thus making it possible for all of us to be resurrected and receive our reward in heaven. (1 Cor 15: 21-22)
When Jesus comes again, all those who are members of His kingdom on earth will be taken up to meet Him as He descends(1 Thes 4: 16-17) and then He will rule on the earth for a thousand years (Rev. 20: 2-7). After all are resurrected we will eventually stand before God and will be judged according to our works(Rev. 20:12-13) and through the grace of God will receive a glory in heaven commensurate to what we deserve(1 Cor 15: 40-42, John 14:2).

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