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* Church Officially Registered in the Republic of Azerbaijan
* Kenya KTN Television Network Features Panel of Church Leaders
* Keep Vision of Your Heavenly Home in Mind, Sister Dennis Tells Graduates
* Motorized borehole increases water access in Uganda village
* This week on social: Church leaders call on members to uplift others
* ‘You are part of the Church family,’ Elder Rasband shares in ministry to 4 South American countries
* Painting Jesus — believing artists talk about the personal impact

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* Formerly called MormonHaven.com. Church authorities have recently asked that members refrain from refering to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as Mormon Church or LDS Church.
For this reason, I have changed the name of the website from Mormonhaven.com to LatterdaySaintHaven.com. Where possible, I have attempted to make other changes by removing all usage
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This website is maintained by Joel Hardy 1997 - 2023 LatterdaySaintHaven.com - All rights reserved
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